Saturday, April 17, 2010

Vancouver BC - Bike Scene

A couple weeks back, the family and I took a trip up to Vancouver BC.  Spent a few nights up there for spring break.  The city is such an eclectic mix.  Exciting.  My primary reason for visiting was to see the Vancouver Art Museum's current exhibit called "The Mechanics of Man."  The Queen of England has loaned 18 original folios from Leonard Da Vinci's journals, these specifically are his anatomy drawings.  I am a huge LDV fan, and I can't even begin to express how amazing these relics are.  If you have even a remote interest in Da Vinci, and are near Vancouver, do yourself a favor and check these out.

Also, I ran across TWO Raleigh Twenties up there.  I got a picture of this one, on Robson Street, near the Chinatown end.  Just casually parked.  No pump or light.  It was the brown version, clearly a daily rider used for tooling around town.

The other Twenty was parked near the art college on Granville Island, near the Public Market.  Brown as well.  For the life of me, I'm not sure why I didn't get a picture.

My oldest son is into longboarding and Rayne Longboards is based in North Van.  We took a trek over there and found the place, tucked down a back alley.  It was exactly what I would think a longboard shop would be - a garage that had been converted to a shop.  Graffiti was basically used as artwork.  Stickers on the wall and "gnarly dudes" manning the register.  My son was in heaven!  While I waited for him, I spotted a vintage roller in the corner that someone was dressing up as advertising.  They just ride it to a location in town and park it for a couple days.  Move on from there.  Not a bad idea!

All in all, it was a very enjoyable trip.


Pictures - Brown Raleigh Twenty

.. finally, here they are.

Side view.  I put the Brooks saddle on to test ride her around a bit.  I found a Pletscher rack at Recycled Cycles.  The stays are a bit long, so the back of the rack is higher than the front.  I just fixed that today.

Friends forever!!

Ouch!  There are a few scratches, but for the most part, she's in great shape.

I don't need to hunt around for a pump on this one.

I think this one is a couple years older than the green one.  The fenders are frame colored with white on the back one.  The reflector on this one looks a bit older too.

Head on...
I actually rode her into  work the first day I had her.  Had to mount my MiNewt headlight on for early morning riding in the Pacific NW.  Doesn't quite match though.  I need to find another Elite headlight for this one...
