Saturday, July 9, 2011

Vacation sighting!

Just a quick update from my phone... The family and I are in Manzanita, Oregon on a quick vacation after the Fourth of July celebrations. Manzanita is a very quaint coastal village that I could see myself living in someday. I've already scoped out local real estate for my dreamed of bike rental business... Another story...

On my way to the bakery this morning for mmmmmmmm cinnamon rolls, we walked past this non-descript seaside building...

Wait, what is that I see under the porch?? Let's take a close look...

That's what I thought!!! A Raleigh Twenty!! In a nice sunny orange. I'm not sure who owns it but I think they must have a kid.

Check out this nice child seat rack replacement they crafted and installed, complete with foot guards and a pink helmet. I'm watching for this one riding around town over the next couple days...


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Ridge Rd,Nehalem,United States


  1. I love the idea of taking my bike with me in scenic European country sides. I want to go the route of tour de france.

  2. thailand villas- thanks for the comment! I'm with you too. It's been a dream of mine to trace one or two of the Tour de France routes! Probably NOT on a Raleigh Twenty though :-)

    Actually, I'd love to get one of my Twenty's into a shape that it could easily be ported to a travel destination and usable there. Alloy rims, lighter shifting (those SA hubs are really heavy) would go a long way. I keep looking for LARGE suitcases that could fit the bike.

    As Rick Steves says "keep on travelin'"



Let me know what you think!